MLA News
MLA is Hiring
The Maryland Library Association is seeking a Member Engagement Specialist. The Member Engagement Specialist will play a vital role in membership strategy and support by working closely with the Executive Director to develop and implement strategies to attract, retain, and engage MLA members. See the full ad below:
MLA Awarded Intellectual Freedom Grant
The Maryland Library Association [MLA] is thrilled to announce its selection as one of the ten pilot sites for the American Library Association's [ALA] new Intellectual Freedom Helpline program. This prestigious grant, awarded by ALA through the generous support of the Acton Family Giving and critical program support from the Mellon Foundation, will provide MLA with $10,000 to develop and operate a confidential reporting system that addresses censorship attempts and supports intellectual freedom.
MLA Statement Opposing Carroll County Public Schools Board of Education's New Policy
The Maryland Library Association opposes the new policy enacted by the Carroll County Public Schools Board of Education, which removes a textbook or library book if it fits a biased, broad, and subjective definition of "sexually explicit." This policy will hinder the learning and development of students by denying them equal and equitable access to library resources.
YSD Black-Eyed Susan Tapestry 2024 - The FALL Edition
9:30 AM to 1:30 PM EDT