MLA News
MLA Statement Opposing Carroll County Public Schools Board of Education's New Policy
The Maryland Library Association opposes the new policy enacted by the Carroll County Public Schools Board of Education, which removes a textbook or library book if it fits a biased, broad, and subjective definition of "sexually explicit." This policy will hinder the learning and development of students by denying them equal and equitable access to library resources.
MLA Statement Regarding the Actions of the Carroll County Board of Education
The Maryland Library Association is a staunch supporter of intellectual freedom. We strongly oppose any attempts to limit access to ideas and information. The Maryland Library Association believes school librarians provide effective leadership in collection development, curriculum development, and information literacy instruction.
Maryland Association of School Librarians' Letter to the School Board Members of Carrol County
The Maryland Association of School Librarians (MASL) has learned that a small group of parents has called for the removal of over 50 books from school library shelves in Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) and that the administration has complied. Without going through the reconsideration policy, school librarians were ordered to remove the titles, box them up, and put them out of sight. This administrative decision undermines best practices set forth by the American Library Association and the American Association of School Librarians. While removal of books is not in direct violation of the Carroll County policy and procedure, it does censor and limit the ability of students to have access to these titles. MASL strongly opposes any narrowly focused efforts to remove books from the school library shelves and asks you to support the First Amendment right to read that is afforded to students within their school libraries.
MLA Chats
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EDT
YSD Black-Eyed Susan Tapestry 2024 - The FALL Edition
9:30 AM to 1:30 PM EDT