- Adult Services and Reference Division
- Association of College and Research Libraries, MD
- Black Caucus of the Maryland Library Association
- Leadership Development Division
- Support Staff Division
- Youth Services Division
- Intellectual Freedom Panel
- Legislative Panel
- Professional Development Panel
- Marketing Committee
- Maryland Author Award
- Emerging Adult Interest Group
- Future of Libraries Interest Group
- Government Information Interest Group
- LGBTQ+ Interest Group
- Library Advocacy Interest Group
- Maryland Adult Programming Interest Group
- New Members Interest Group
- Outreach Services Interest Group
- Readers' Advisory Interest Group
- Teen Interest Group
- Sustainability Interest Group
Future of Libraries Interest Group
We work to ensure that MLA members and Maryland libraries are prepared to take advantage of tomorrow's opportunities. We keep aware of emerging trends, we motivate library staff to embrace a change-ready mindset and attitude, we are predictive and proactive about positioning libraries to be future-ready, and we ensure that our libraries are driving the success of adaptive and resilient Maryland communities. Everyone is welcome to join the conversation with FOLIG! Join MLA Connect at mla.tradewing.com. If you are a MLA member already, you can log in with your website credentials. Search for FOLIG and join the group! If you are not yet a member of MLA and want to see what FOLIG is about, you can create an account with Tradewing on the MLA log in page.
We meet on the first Monday of the month via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out to registrants and posted on MLA Connect.
At each meeting we discuss the topic listed below. In between meetings, we share articles we have found online on each topic. The articles are shared on MLA Connect, with a hashtag for each meeting topic. The hashtags are: FOLIG
You are encouraged to share any articles you find interesting at any time!
Meeting Dates and Topics
All meetings are at 10 am on the First Monday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
Monday, September 11 (NOTE DATE CHANGE DO TO LABOR DAY HOLIDAY): Discuss the process of scanning and what sources we like to use.
October 2: Technology (especially AI)
November 6: Politics
December 4: Social
February 5: Economic
March 4: Educational
April 1: Conference Preparation
May 6: Hold for conference prep
June 3: Wrap-up the year
Minutes are shared in the FOLIG Group on MLA Connect.
Last updated 15 August 2023