- Adult Services and Reference Division
- Association of College and Research Libraries, MD
- Black Caucus of the Maryland Library Association
- Leadership Development Division
- Support Staff Division
- Youth Services Division
- Intellectual Freedom Panel
- Legislative Panel
- Professional Development Panel
- Marketing Committee
- Maryland Author Award
- Emerging Adult Interest Group
- Future of Libraries Interest Group
- Government Information Interest Group
- LGBTQ+ Interest Group
- Library Advocacy Interest Group
- Maryland Adult Programming Interest Group
- New Members Interest Group
- Outreach Services Interest Group
- Readers' Advisory Interest Group
- Teen Interest Group
- Sustainability Interest Group
Outreach Services Interest Group
Founded in 2008, the Outreach Services Interest Group is open to all MLA members interested in outreach services including, but not limited to, under-served populations in Maryland.
Our mission is to:
- develop and maintain a network of public library staff responsible for outreach services (mobile or otherwise) within the state of Maryland
- provide a means to exchange ideas relevant to outreach services
- meet to view and discuss the various types of outreach services provided by each library system
- encourage every library system to evaluate current programs and consider new programs that could expand their outreach services
- promote the unique outreach programs of each system.