- Adult Services and Reference Division
- Association of College and Research Libraries, MD
- Black Caucus of the Maryland Library Association
- Leadership Development Division
- Support Staff Division
- Youth Services Division
- Intellectual Freedom Panel
- Legislative Panel
- Professional Development Panel
- Marketing Committee
- Maryland Author Award
- Emerging Adult Interest Group
- Future of Libraries Interest Group
- Government Information Interest Group
- LGBTQ+ Interest Group
- Library Advocacy Interest Group
- Maryland Adult Programming Interest Group
- New Members Interest Group
- Outreach Services Interest Group
- Readers' Advisory Interest Group
- Teen Interest Group
- Sustainability Interest Group
Maryland Adult Programming Interest Group
The Maryland Adult Programming Interest Group (MAPIG) is open to all MLA members interested in high-quality, innovative, and successful adult programming.
Our mission is to:
- Develop and maintain a network of public library staff responsible for adult programming within the state of Maryland
- Provide a venue for the sharing of best practices in adult programming
- Encourage every library system to evaluate current programs and consider new programs that could enhance their adult programming
- Promote the development of new and innovative adult programming ideas
Our Facebook group is at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MAPIG. Our current group leader is Lisa Swain of Baltimore County Public Library.
MAPIG is sponsored by the Public Services Division of the Maryland Library Association.
Last updated 06 August 2018.