CRAB Submissions
Winter issue - December 5
Spring issue - March 5
Summer issue - June 5
Fall issue - September 5
- MLA conference.
- MLA division, committee or interest group news.
- Reports on programs and workshops of interest to librarians in Maryland.
- News about Maryland libraries and people.
- Articles on issues concerning libraries and librarianship in Maryland.
- Reviews of books and other materials, based on their local and state interest will be considered for publication.
- Letters to the editor - these must be signed, although names may be withheld from publications upon request.
- Advertising will be accepted for The CRAB - priority will be given to library-related services or products.
- Submit to The CRAB via:
- Articles - For submissions, Microsoft Word is preferred with content saved in Arial 12 and no special formatting. Please attach document to an e-mail along with any photos, images, graphics, slides, etc attached as separate files. Please do not embed images in the document.
- Photos/Images - If applicable, please try to include photos or images with articles. Preferably, these can be attached to an e-mail as a standard graphic file (.jpg, .gif) not larger than 200K. If applicable, photos and images are welcome. Preferably, these can be attached as a standard graphic file (.png, .jpg, .gif) not larger than 200K. Please avoid thumbnails or extremely small file sizes so that we have the best possible resolution for online publication. PDFs of flyers or ads are also fine. Include with the e-mail the following information: contact information, a note explaining what each photo is about and which article are they intended for, and who is in the photo.
- If sending as email attachments is not feasible, please use a zip file or a service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
- Please include a suggested caption for all photos and graphics and include the names and library affiliations of the people included in the photo.
- • Please email Julie with any questions.