MLA Statement Regarding eBook Ruling
- By: admin
- On: 02/28/2022 16:15:49
- In: Press Releases
- Comments: 0
The U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland has granted a preliminary injunction on Maryland's ebook bill. Though we are disappointed with the ruling, the Maryland Library Association (MLA) appreciates Judge Boardman for noting the vital importance of libraries and the challenges we face in the digital realm.
MLA continues to support a call for publishers to enter into discussion with libraries. We further call for library associations to continue to raise awareness of the unfair trade practices and imbalance in terms employed by publishers. Libraries seek reasonable terms so we may ensure that our clients will have access to content; similar to the terms that have been considered reasonable for print material. More than a century's worth of experience shows that the example of print, and its pricing model, is a fair standard for all: authors, publishers, libraries, and most importantly, readers.
Read the full statement HERE.
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